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This page allows you to create, change and remove workspace members.

You can search for one or multiple users by using the "Filter" input field, where you can enter a full or partial name.

The page shows you a list of all members of the currently selected workspace, based on the currently set filter. If no filter is set, all users are listed.

Adding new members

To add one or multiple new members, click the "Add Member" button in the lower right corner. It will open this dialog:

In the "Email or username" input field, you can enter one or multiple email addresses or usernames.

NOTE: You can enter usernames or email addresses of valid, existing users - or even of inexistent users. This allows you to pre-invite users that will maybe only later be able to perform the registration procedure.

With the drop-down list below, select the role for the new member(s):

  • Workspace admin: The user can administrate workspaces, i.e. change workspace settings, create new workspaces, and delete them.
  • Service admin: The user can create, change and remove services.

Click the "Send invitation" button to trigger an email with an invitation link being sent to the given users.