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Get started

Before getting started using sorbay and running your own service, a workspace must be created. When you first log in to the sorbay platform, you will be asked to provide the name for the first workspace to be created. You can then use the name to create the service.

On the left side you find the main navigation menu. It provides the following options:

  • Workspace selector - shows the currently selected workspace.
  • Start - changes back to the start page that is also presented to the user after logging in.
  • Services - opens the services page which allows to create, change and delete services.
  • Members - opens the members page where you can add or remove members for the currently selected workspace.
  • Settings - opens the workspace settings page.

Basic Workflow

  • Select the workspace you want to create services in, with the workspace selection in the top-most navigation entry.
  • Create and / or change services in the currently selected workspace by clicking the "Services" option in the navigation.
  • Add more users to this workspace by selecting the "Members" menu option in the navigation.
  • Change the settings of the currently selected workspace by selecting the "Settings" option in the navigation.